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Published: 12th August 2021
Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Pretranscension. Available: https://www.astronism.com/astronary/astrosoteriology/pretranscension. Last accessed [enter date e.g. 15th Aug 2021].
noun Astrosoteriology
all time prior to either humanity’s embarkation onto the endeavour of transcension or the completion of transcension, especially to infer that during this time humankind is deficient or otherwise inferior in comparison to the higher condition that humanity will enjoy once transcensia is reached.
nferior state | noun
Pretranscensional | priːˈ transɛnʃ(ə)nəl | adjective
Pretranscensionally | priːˈ transɛnʃ(ə)nəli | adverb
the Pretranscension
Astro-English: in Astronese, the prefix pre- denoting something preceding or before conjoined to the word transcension denoting the Astronist conception of salvation, meaning prior to humanity’s achievement of or embarkation onto the salvific endeavour of transcension.
Encyclopaedic entry for “Pretranscension” on Astronism.org
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